Let’s go! ♡ Ready to move and sweat? Choose between 7 classes for 79 € and 13 classes for 130 €.
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This class is held in English.
Julia H.
Read bioGentle, yet dynamic class without compromising the amount of sweat. You will challenge yourself with slow, conscious movement and focus on asanas and the transitions without any rush. We build up heat and create space in the body. We recommend that you have some prior experience with yoga before attending this class.
This class is held in English. Class is found weekly at Vallila & Töölö. More Slow Flow -classes found in Finnish at Vallila & Töölö.
Julia H.
Read bioInstructor
Emma R.
Read bioTämä joogatunti sopii erinomaisesti kuntoilua harrastaville.
Tunneilla keskitymme mm. lantion liikkuvuutta lisääviin ja rintarankaa avaaviin asanoihin sekä kiertoihin.
Liikkeet eivät ole liian raskaita tai vaikeita, mutta haastetta voi aina lisätä omien voimavarojen ja osaamisen puitteissa.
Tunnilla on käytössä myös apuvälineitä, kuten joogatiiliä ja -vöitä, joilla tarvittaessa autetaan kehoa saavuttamaan oikeanlaiset ja turvalliset asennot.
Read bioTällä tunnilla saat lisää voimaa ja liikkuvuutta, ja herättelet kehon yleisesti nukkuvia osia. Toivomme, että sinulla on aiempaa kokemusta joogasta, vaikka olisitkin joogapolkusi alkutaipaleella. Tämä tunti on hyvää kertausta asanoiden linjauksista myös pidempään jooganneille.
Emilia V.
Read bioInstructor
Emma R.
Read bioYin-harjoituksessa tehdään pitkiä syvästi avaavia asentoja. Asennot tuetaan erilaisilla joogan apuvälineillä mahdollisimman mukaviksi ja rennoiksi. Yin-tunti on rauhoittava, meditatiivinen ja palauttava, ja annetaan keholle ja mielelle aikaa pysähtyä. Osalla tunneista pääset myös tutustumaan yin-joogan taustalla oleviin kiinalaisen lääketieteen oppeihin sekä meridiaaneihin. Tämä harjoitus sopii niin aloittelijoille kuin jo kokeneemmille joogeille.
Emilia V.
Read bioTarvittaessa käytetään apuvälineitä, kuten blokkeja, vöitä ja peittoja, jotta saadaan linjaukset kohdilleen. Tunti sopii kaikille, myös aloittelijoille.
Read bioInstructor
Emilia S.
Read bioThe Flow class focuses on various sequences that strengthen and open the body. In this flowing practice, movements are linked together, guided by the breath, and transition smoothly from one pose to the next. The class warms up the body, builds strength, and enhances awareness of your own body. This class is suitable for those who are already familiar with yoga.
This class is held in English. Class is found weekly at Vallila, Töölö & Punavuori.
Emilia S.
Read bioInstructor
Hanna Å.
Read bioPowerful practice where we link movements to our breath. Get ready to play, build heat, strength and flexibility trough creative sequencing of challenging postures and shapes. Some earlier yoga experience is recommended.
This class is held in English and found weekly at Punavuori & Vallila.
Read bioIn a Yin practice, we hold long, deeply opening poses. The poses are supported by various yoga props to ensure maximum comfort and relaxation. The Yin class is calming, meditative, and restorative, allowing the body and mind time to pause. Some classes also provide an introduction to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and meridians underlying Yin yoga. This practice is suitable for both beginners and more experienced yogis.
This class is held in English and found weekly at Punavuori. More Yin-classes found in Finnish.
Read bioThe word yoga has as many meanings as there are yoga practitioners. We at Roots want to help everyone in creating their own perception of yoga. Each of us has our own reasons to come to the mat and we hope you choose a class where you listen to yourself and respect your needs. Our classes are always guided and you are there with our knowledgeable and trained teachers. We offer about 60 classes a week from soft to dynamic – sweaty, restorative, refreshing, relaxing and meditative yoga classes. You don’t have to know how to do yoga, recall asanas or understand yoga vocabulary. The most challenging part is to open your mat and take that first step.
At ROOTS online, you find +200 yoga practices that you can do anywhere according to your schedule. In addition, we live stream classes daily from our Vallila location and add new yoga classes to the selection every month. You will also find yoga stories for children, technique videos, and a beginner’s course in yoga.
We have a fully plant-based café in the heart of Vallila. We serve all-day breakfast combos, oven-fresh pastries, delicious salads, and other nutritious treats. Enjoy a slow morning, stop by for a coffee, or enjoy a snack before or after yoga. We can also pack everything for takeaway and offer catering services.
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Roots Helsinki Vallila
Café & Yoga
Eurantie 8
00550 HKI
Opening hours of the café
Roots Helsinki Töölö
Yoga (open during yoga classes)
Museokatu 17
00100 HKI
Roots Helsinki Punavuori
Yoga (open during yoga classes)
Merimiehenkatu 21 a 42
00150 HKI